Everyone that has ever been in a long relationship asks themselves what happened? When did it go wrong for us? Is it too late to salvage what is left? Is it even worth the time and effort, to try and save a relationship?
Those answers can only be answered by you, and no one else. Saving your relationship can be a long process, but both sides have to be willing to give it a fighting chance. Having an upper hand on the situation would also help. Maybe some tips and tricks would help ease the pain?
If there was some guide or program just for that simple task of Saving my relationship, wouldn't you want to know about it? Wish I had a few years ago, after dating someone for 5 years and letting them go. Not the best choice I have ever made in my life. But I didn't have these tips, or tricks on understanding a relationship. I guess you could say I was a nob when it came to talking with the ladies. Relationships weren't my strong point even after high school, or college. I will still finding it hard to commit knowing that one day I could get hurt again like I had before.
But that is the beauty of a relationship, knowing that both partners can come to an agreement. Passion is what drives, a relationship. To save a relationship that is all you need. Passion, caring for one another.
Some people say you need compromise, change, and a bunch of bull.
Care about someone, and see what you would do for them. Saving a relationship is a lot more than just giving in.
Understanding and passion will take your relationship to the next level. Or it might just save the relationship all together.